Hey Facebook Family would like your help in promoting and the sell of my Gospel Single - NEED TO KNOW HIM......check it out and download it from ITunes or Amazon and spread the word to your friends, friends, friends....etc. Thank you and I ...pray you are blessed by the song. I pray to have the CD available by the first of year 2014. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-music&field-keywords=+R.+B.+Brown+song+Need+to+know+Him&rh=n%3A163856011%2Ck%3A+R.+B.+Brown+song+Need+to+know+Him&ajr=0
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Aspiring Youth and Families to Higher Heights
We support Christian Youth through Christian Servant Scholarship Awards, and
growth in Christian service through church activities, community service, school,
and family involvement and acts of kindness
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